Monday, September 29, 2008


Here are a couple more posters I have created for Typography class. I turned in the first two, that I posted earlier, this morning. I will be turning in these two tomorrow. He did tell me, well do two or three more than was assigned. LOL This first one, the Frog Jumping Contest, I was just playing a little bit with the shapes. The frog started out as a circle, believe it or not. With a lot of added points and a lot of pulling, out he came. The eyes are made up of three separate shapes, pushed and pulled into the shapes you see here. The mouth and nose lines were made using the arc tool.

This one is a different version of that first sample I did while just playing around. Since the teacher thought it would make a good poster, I decided to do another version and turn it in for credit. This was a little different than doing it in PSP actually. I could fill the image with text with one of the typing tools though I wouldn't have gotten the desired effect you see here. So in the long run, this one took a little longer as I am still learning this program. I couldn't quite get the effect I had in PSP though it doesn't look too bad. I would have preferred to have the word run smoothly along the edges of the horse shape.


Anonymous said...

Love the frog!! He's a cutie. Proud of you!!

Suzanne said...

Cute cute frog and I love the "hopping begins at noon"!