Monday, September 29, 2008


Here are a couple more posters I have created for Typography class. I turned in the first two, that I posted earlier, this morning. I will be turning in these two tomorrow. He did tell me, well do two or three more than was assigned. LOL This first one, the Frog Jumping Contest, I was just playing a little bit with the shapes. The frog started out as a circle, believe it or not. With a lot of added points and a lot of pulling, out he came. The eyes are made up of three separate shapes, pushed and pulled into the shapes you see here. The mouth and nose lines were made using the arc tool.

This one is a different version of that first sample I did while just playing around. Since the teacher thought it would make a good poster, I decided to do another version and turn it in for credit. This was a little different than doing it in PSP actually. I could fill the image with text with one of the typing tools though I wouldn't have gotten the desired effect you see here. So in the long run, this one took a little longer as I am still learning this program. I couldn't quite get the effect I had in PSP though it doesn't look too bad. I would have preferred to have the word run smoothly along the edges of the horse shape.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Sketch of a Female Mannequin

On Friday the drawing teacher set out some mannequins for the class to draw. I don't think my finished product turned out too badly. I had most of it marked in during class and finished working on it that evening and finally finished it up this morning. The first image is what I took with my phone, guess I need to start taking one of my cameras to school with me. I think I made the frame a bit longer than the mannequin seen here but it seems to look ok.

I think I will be working some more on my third poster later on tonight and tomorrow. I also need to get a start on my Informative paper. I also need to read some of my Typography book and make some flash cards to help me learn the parts of the fonts. He will be giving us a test on these later on, so I need to quiz myself so I don't miss anything on this next test...LOL

Friday, September 26, 2008

Graduation Program

Just had to share this bit of news with everyone. They selected the winning Program cover and announced it this morning. I WON with one of my designs, the one in this post, my favorite out of the three I submitted. I am so excited, and can now add this to my portfolio as a completed design for the college.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another Poster

I have been here working on this poster and thought I would share it with all of you. He said promote something yesterday, then today he said promote "You". That is what I did in this poster, it's really hard to promote yourself.

Poster Project For Typography

Here is a sample of one of my posters for Typography. Since it's finished the teacher told me to go ahead and do two or three more...LOL I do have an idea for another one and will be posting it later when I get it finished.

The following drawings are from today. We took a trip to a local park for drawing class and this is my result. I decided not to post the pastel as it's not quite up to par and sort of odd looking...LOL

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mac & Typography Projects...

Just a quick post as I am up late and need to get to bed. These first two are the final of the three needed for tomorrow.

The following three images are what I will be submitting tomorrow. These are for the Class of 2008 Program handout at graduation this year. They will be selecting the best one out of all that are submitted and will use it on the cover.


Monday, September 22, 2008

A New Week

Today was the beginning of a new week. It was absolutely georgious outside today. Since summer is officially over, someone might want to tell mother nature as we had temperatures in the low 80's today.

This is our fourth week, which means we are 1/2 way through our first semester already. I can hardly believe it. Typography brought on a new assignment today. This time we are using quotes in our designs. Drafts due by Wednesday and final project by Friday. We need to come up with 3 different verions of the same quote for our drafts. So far I have 2 different quotes with 2 examples of each quote. I am currently working on the remaining examples of each quote.  Let's see if I can convert the files and post them here. I'll post my final result before they are due on Friday.

Keyboarding brought a little smile to my face today though. I did much better today in the timed writing than I did on Friday. I was averaging a C and today I brought that up to a B which made me really happy. Now I just need to shoot for an A :)

The short stories we wrote for english were handed back to us today. I was very pleased with my grades. I got an A and an A- with Wonferful and Delightful written on the front and back pages. That made me happy as I was afraid I wouldn't do very well in that class.

After I drove back into town today, I stopped in for a couple of soda's for my DH and I. When I got out of the truck I walked around the front and noticed several large scratches on my hood. Upon further inspection, I realized that one of my horses decided that it tasted pretty darn good. There were dirty tongue marks smeared all over the place and then the 4 scratches from the teeth!!!!!!  I wasn't even parked in there very long, and yet there was enough time for a taste test. :(

Friday, September 19, 2008

Finally Friday

It's good to see the end of the week. The weather has been fabulous all week long. I certainly hope it stays as nice for the weekend.

Today brought a test in Typography, which I think I missed at least 4 questions in. :( Oh well, tomorrow is another day, right? Typing was a bit better this time though. One of these days I will get my words per minute to go higher. I did manage to get ZERO errors on one of the timed tests today, so that makes me happy.

English brought about a team assignment. We have to have a partner to write this descriptive paper. We both have to decide on the topic and both of us write the paper. In the end we hand in one paper with two names on it. That is what I will be working on tonight and sending via e-mail to my partner.

As for drawing class, well we didn't work on the sketch we started yesterday. One of these days we might finish one in class. We had another upside down sketch to draw today. The first image is the original and the second one is my result.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What a project. . .

Today brought on an interesting challenge in drawing. I'll let you all tell me what you think. We used the Mac to take a picture of ourselves. Once that was done we took it into Illustrator and used Live Trace on it. This is the result of that effect.

Once we had that we worked on our Typography projects on the Mac. In drawing class, we had to take the picture we printed out, put it upside down on our desk, raise the desktop (it's like a drafting table), and then draw it. Well I did most of my outlining in class so I could work on it here at home. After about 2 1/2 hours tonight it is almost finished. Just a little more blending and I think it will be fine. Here is my result.

The next image is the one I posted yesterday. I worked on it during lunch, in my truck...LOL It needed a little more fine tuning.
Tomorrow we are having a test in Typography class. What a way to start the day, with a test. I better get to finishing that first chapter for the third time I suppose.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Sketch

Hello everyone. Today brought a huge smile to my face. During my first class of the day, Typography, we were given our grades for our projects. The first "V" as something else brought me an A. The second project with the 4 "V's" brought me an A+ because of all the hand work I did. I was extremely pleased to say the least. My second class is English Comp., the class I worry over as you all should know by now. While talking with one of the students at the begining of class, the teacher told me my paper was "Excellent", "Very Good", "Well written", "With little to no errors". Let me just say...WOW...I was so pleased by those compliments, who cares what the grade is :) There were a couple other things he said but these stuck out the most. One of the students in front of me said "What...6 compliments in one day and on one paper, I am impressed!" The teacher just shot her a look as if to say, that deserves no response from me at all.

We did another sketch in drawing, well, if you were finished with your monkey you did. The following is my result from today's class. There wasn't much remaining in the box of items when I went to look. The one item I was hoping for was there though. I wanted to try the pully. There was also some wooden blocks so I selected one of them and propped the pully up on it for my sketch. I will add the final of it later, as I am not quite finished with it. When I do I will also add the final of the Monkey.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Some More From Drawing

Here are two more projects from Drawing class. The Sock Monkey isn't quite complete but he's close so I thought I would post him as well.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Another Sample From Intro To Mac

Since I was finished with my project from Friday, I asked my teacher if he had something else for me to do. The other students were still working on their Tin Men so that is what was being done. He handed me a book with a tutorial in it and asked me if I was up for the challenge. Well, you all should know me well enough to know I indeed was up for it. This is my result from the challenge.

I will be adding my drawing project from class as soon as I get pictures of them. I have 2 and neither of them are finished yet.

The Five Tag

I was tagged by SuzieQ


10 years ago I:

1. Would have never thought I was going to be going to College.

2. I still had all three of my kids living at home.

3. I was driving a forklift for a living..

4. I was not driving a truck but a white T-Bird

5. I was searching for myself, I had to be somewhere..LOL

5 things on today's "to do" list:

1. Finish a couple pencil drawings for class.

2. Attend School

3. Make Dinner

4. Complete my writing assignment.

5. Post to my blog

5 snacks I enjoy:

1. Corn Chips

2. Cookies & Cream Ice Cream

3. Carrots w/ranch dip

4. peanut butter and crackers

5. Occasionally some white chocolate

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:

1. Buy a new farm.

2. Pay off my truck.

3. Buy my DH an old car to restore.

4. Put some into investments and savings.

5. Pay off my college bill.

5 places I have lived:

1. Lockport, KY

2. Liberty, TX

3. Goshen, IN

4. Pierceton, IN

5. Owenton, KY

Five jobs I have had:

1. Machine Operator

2. Farm Hand

3. Fork lift operator

4. Drafting and Inspection

5. Waitress / Cashier

I tag...Whoever wants to and

1. Desi

2. Donna

3. Ida

4. Teresa

5. Ronda

Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

2 More Finished Projects . . . .

Well as promised, I have a couple more projects to share with you all. This first one is another project for Typography. Using the same letter that was assigned to me earlier. We were to draw the letter in one of eight fonts on a list. We were also supposed to zoom in on the letter for the other 3 boxes. This would then show only parts of the letter. We then printed them out in our Intro to Mac class (he is our teacher for that class as well). We were to put the examples in 6" x 6" squares and then onto a piece of black poster board with 1" spacing. Once we were finished with that we were to fill in the letter using the india ink pen that was supplied in our art kits. This pen has a very very small tip and it takes a long time to fill anything. He said we only had to do the whole letter using the india ink pen and could use our printouts for the other 3 examples. I misunderstood his original instructions and already had all 4 of my examples drawn out. So I asked if it was ok to go ahead and use them and he said it was and that there is nothing wrong with being an over achiever..LOL

The next two drawings were done for Drawing class. We are working on two point perspective drawings right at the moment. We were to use our initials using two point perspective. Once we had our intitials created we were to make them our own. Well, before I filled mine with the colored pencils, I took a picture so I could take it into Paint Shop and add colors to it. This helped me decide on the final colors I used.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I Bet You Are Wondering. . .

About my schooling. Things are a little bit better. I am doing ok in Keyboarding though I need some more practice...LOL Intro to Mac has been going pretty good though it's still a bit slow for me. I am sure that will change soon enough though. I thought I would post a couple of my finished projects for all of you to see.

This first project is from my Typography class. We were all given a letter of the alphabet and told to draw 20 2" x 2" squares, 1/2" apart and 3/4" from all outside edges of the page. In these we were to see the letter as something else. The letter I ended up with was the letter "V". The first image is my draft and the second image is my final result that I turned in for a grade. In Typography, our projects are 70% of our grade.
The next two images are from my Intro to Mac class. The first one is of some Lego blocks. I had to create a block in Adobe Illustrator and then we were to build something with it. The second image we did in class today. It was basically a review of what we learned when building the Lego blocks. We were supposed to create a tin man in Illustrator. I opted for a Tin Dog instead of the tin man.
I will post more as I finish them and as they assign more for us to do. I am currently working on my initials for Drawing class along with a sock monkey sketch. Once I have finished these I will post them as well. I also have another Typography assignment that I am almost finished with that I will post as well.

This last image is just something I was playing around with one day last week. I used an image of Chief for this project. I cut him out of a photo and then filled him with a solid color. Once I did that I added text on a new layer. Once I had all the text where I wanted it I removed any that was outside of his shape. Lastly I removed his shape and added a background and a title. My Typography teacher thinks it would be a great poster.  :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Another Week

It's a new week and we have finally gotten some much needed rain. It wasn't much today but we are expecting more tomorrow. Our poor yard sure was needing some help as it was brown and crunchy from the lack of rain. At least our yard wasn't the only one in pain. I did notice that the green is coming back since this is technically our second rain this week, though the first rain wasn't much either.

Another fresh start to College this week. It is interesting at best and right at the moment I am finding myself a bit on the bored side of things. Maybe I am crazy, maybe I am not, who knows. I have just been hoping for something to learn I suppose and at this pace it may take a while. I finished my Typography project early and handed it in this morning along with the extra credit he mentioned in class yesterday. I wonder if I was the only one who heard that little bit of info since I was the only one to turn any in. Oh, and of course, the first to finish the project. I guess I could have asked for something else to do. I wonder if I could just do something and see if he will take it...LOL

Intro to Mac has been ok, but then again a bit slow for me. I suppose that 6 + years of Paint Shop Pro has its advantages. I have found myself helping the other students as I am usually finished before they are. It's funny how these programs are different yet they are basically the same with the exception of a few different tools here and there. Right now we are using Adobe Illustrator. The thing I have noticed about it is that there is a layer though not quite like in PSP. I have yet to find a spot to add another layer but I am sure while I wait for the next instructions I could search the help files.

English Comp. well, lets just say today was another broken record. I suppose I should read chapter 1 so I can at least be ahead of the game a bit. Repeating something more than one class seems a bit useless to me. If they didn't listen the first time I am sure they won't listen the second or third time either. I actually find him to be a bit on the lazy side though very full of himself. Seems my impression of him was dead on the first time. I know, grin and bear with it; it's only 16 weeks...15 to go.

Keyboarding is ok though the boisterous boys are still a bit on the loud side. The teacher handed back our results that we printed off on Friday. I explained to her that when they start getting loud I lose my concentration therefore the large number of mistakes along with the slower typing speeds. She said she will have to find something for them to do then...LOL Since we didn't get a program with the book, there was little chance of practicing the typing at home. I went online searching for a free program that could, at the very least, give me some type of practice and happened to find a couple. Now the keyboarding can be done here at home, at least the practicing part of it can be.

Drawing class has brought on some perspective today. I asked if there was a due date and he said no, we are just sort of muddling through right now. I couldn't believe it, is this what I am paying for? I don't think so but I am keeping an open mind and hoping for things to pick up a bit.

As I sit here thinking through the day's events, I realize that things seem so JR High to me right now. Not really like a College class at all and slow is putting it mildly. I just want to stand up and ask the teachers to please teach me something I don't already know. :(

OK enough of tonight's rambling thoughts I suppose. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully will bring some sort of something.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I have found myself wandering around a college campus, and have actually done this on purpose. It is quite interesting to say the least. Personally I felt things would be a bit different than the high school scene. You know the loud and obnoxious member of your class who couldn't keep their mouth shut if you paid them to do so and the teeny boppers poking at how another class member dresses. After all, this is college isn't it and if I am not mistaken, isn't everyone supposed to be adults now? I see things don't much change, at least in these the first few days of my return to school.

I have found myself at times wanting to tell all of them to just shut up so I can actually hear the teachers speak. Though, I have also found myself holding my tongue to a remark one teacher made today. Maybe he forgot there is an actual adult in class who doesn't find his dry sense of humor the least bit funny. I have actually found him a bit repulsive but will have to bear with it a bit in order to receive my degree. Seems he is trying to get approval from a bunch of children and for now is missing any instructional guidance towards them. Instructions for the day, which was as short and sweet as it gets, were this "Write a page and a half and turn it in by the end of class." Amazing that anyone would know what to do on that paper since all I found today were offensive words and nothing leading up to what should be written. There I sat wondering what he was rambling about and had to go to the previous day’s notes to even know what he wanted in the first place. If a student were to miss class they would be sitting there with a blank look on their face as they tried to figure it out.

I have found Typography quite interesting. The first assignment came from there and I am actually enjoying that class. Though I have to agree with my admissions officer, things are a bit boring for me right now. Hopefully this will change with some time; after all it is the first week.

Introduction to Mac would be ok if he didn't have to go so slowly. Today was a refresher of what he did yesterday. I have read the 3 chapters but find it difficult at the snail pace we are going at. My desktop has been customized for now as I find it hard to follow someone when they are repeating themselves. I have added a personal desktop image to my flash drive to place on the Mac tomorrow. Maybe then I will feel more at ease. I even found myself wandering through the Adobe program while he spoke.

Keyboarding is going ok though I need more practice with the home keys. I did manage to get settled in and get through the remaining lesson from yesterday along with today's lesson. I find it very distracting when the loud voices begin. The talking doesn't bother me so much as all the loud chatter and jabbing at things. It messes me up quite a bit as I can't seem to concentrate on the assignment. Then there is no program for me to install here at home so I can get some more practice in where it is quite peaceful.

Enough rambling for now I suppose. Tomorrow is the last day of the week and I will get 2 days off. Drawing class should bring an assignment tomorrow, finally.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Tomorrow begins the new college adventure. Orientation begins at 7:30 am and then at 9:00 am a shortened class schedule. Then on Wednesday a full class schedule. For the first 8 weeks I will have 5 one hour classes. Introduction to Macintosh, Drawing, Typography I, Composition I and Keyboarding I. There are a few general educatioin classes I noticed but nothing close to the other colleges in my area. Melvin asked if I was nervous and my answer was no. He said he would be but right now I am not. Then again I have always loved school so maybe that is why I'm not.

I did manage to get all of my clothes on clearance last week. I also got all my paper and pens on sale. There is a dress code and jeans are not allowed along with tennis shoes or T-Shirts. We need to dress as a professional would dress on the job. Miranda helped me shop for my tops and with the clearance prices most of them were only a little over $2.00 and all my dress slacks were under $6.00 a pair and most were only $3.00.

I spent Friday and Saturday with my sister in Ohio. We helped move her youngest into an appartment. Good thing I have a truck. I had a really good time though and their house is really cute. It looks like everyone needs rain though. It's dry everywhere. It usually rains if I wash my truck so I suppose I better get to washing it...LOL Well, I am off here. I will post something tomorrow to let you all know how school went.