I have found myself wandering around a college campus, and have actually done this on purpose. It is quite interesting to say the least. Personally I felt things would be a bit different than the high school scene. You know the loud and obnoxious member of your class who couldn't keep their mouth shut if you paid them to do so and the teeny boppers poking at how another class member dresses. After all, this is college isn't it and if I am not mistaken, isn't everyone supposed to be adults now? I see things don't much change, at least in these the first few days of my return to school.
I have found myself at times wanting to tell all of them to just shut up so I can actually hear the teachers speak. Though, I have also found myself holding my tongue to a remark one teacher made today. Maybe he forgot there is an actual adult in class who doesn't find his dry sense of humor the least bit funny. I have actually found him a bit repulsive but will have to bear with it a bit in order to receive my degree. Seems he is trying to get approval from a bunch of children and for now is missing any instructional guidance towards them. Instructions for the day, which was as short and sweet as it gets, were this "Write a page and a half and turn it in by the end of class." Amazing that anyone would know what to do on that paper since all I found today were offensive words and nothing leading up to what should be written. There I sat wondering what he was rambling about and had to go to the previous day’s notes to even know what he wanted in the first place. If a student were to miss class they would be sitting there with a blank look on their face as they tried to figure it out.
I have found Typography quite interesting. The first assignment came from there and I am actually enjoying that class. Though I have to agree with my admissions officer, things are a bit boring for me right now. Hopefully this will change with some time; after all it is the first week.
Introduction to Mac would be ok if he didn't have to go so slowly. Today was a refresher of what he did yesterday. I have read the 3 chapters but find it difficult at the snail pace we are going at. My desktop has been customized for now as I find it hard to follow someone when they are repeating themselves. I have added a personal desktop image to my flash drive to place on the Mac tomorrow. Maybe then I will feel more at ease. I even found myself wandering through the Adobe program while he spoke.
Keyboarding is going ok though I need more practice with the home keys. I did manage to get settled in and get through the remaining lesson from yesterday along with today's lesson. I find it very distracting when the loud voices begin. The talking doesn't bother me so much as all the loud chatter and jabbing at things. It messes me up quite a bit as I can't seem to concentrate on the assignment. Then there is no program for me to install here at home so I can get some more practice in where it is quite peaceful.
Enough rambling for now I suppose. Tomorrow is the last day of the week and I will get 2 days off. Drawing class should bring an assignment tomorrow, finally.
I know exactly what you're talking about and felt that way when I was young too. I had a professor in college that drove me to the edge and I finally let him have it one day! And guess what? He straightened up after that. There's no way I'd tolerate offensive language from a teacher that I was paying to teach me. You can handle it...take a deep breath and get through the adjustment period and then go full speed ahead.
Be strong Peggy and remember why you're there! Don't let a few other people ruin it for you, they are still too immmature probably to be taking it seriously. Good luck with it all :)
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