It's a new week and we have finally gotten some much needed rain. It wasn't much today but we are expecting more tomorrow. Our poor yard sure was needing some help as it was brown and crunchy from the lack of rain. At least our yard wasn't the only one in pain. I did notice that the green is coming back since this is technically our second rain this week, though the first rain wasn't much either.
Another fresh start to College this week. It is interesting at best and right at the moment I am finding myself a bit on the bored side of things. Maybe I am crazy, maybe I am not, who knows. I have just been hoping for something to learn I suppose and at this pace it may take a while. I finished my Typography project early and handed it in this morning along with the extra credit he mentioned in class yesterday. I wonder if I was the only one who heard that little bit of info since I was the only one to turn any in. Oh, and of course, the first to finish the project. I guess I could have asked for something else to do. I wonder if I could just do something and see if he will take it...LOL
Intro to Mac has been ok, but then again a bit slow for me. I suppose that 6 + years of Paint Shop Pro has its advantages. I have found myself helping the other students as I am usually finished before they are. It's funny how these programs are different yet they are basically the same with the exception of a few different tools here and there. Right now we are using Adobe Illustrator. The thing I have noticed about it is that there is a layer though not quite like in PSP. I have yet to find a spot to add another layer but I am sure while I wait for the next instructions I could search the help files.
English Comp. well, lets just say today was another broken record. I suppose I should read chapter 1 so I can at least be ahead of the game a bit. Repeating something more than one class seems a bit useless to me. If they didn't listen the first time I am sure they won't listen the second or third time either. I actually find him to be a bit on the lazy side though very full of himself. Seems my impression of him was dead on the first time. I know, grin and bear with it; it's only 16 weeks...15 to go.
Keyboarding is ok though the boisterous boys are still a bit on the loud side. The teacher handed back our results that we printed off on Friday. I explained to her that when they start getting loud I lose my concentration therefore the large number of mistakes along with the slower typing speeds. She said she will have to find something for them to do then...LOL Since we didn't get a program with the book, there was little chance of practicing the typing at home. I went online searching for a free program that could, at the very least, give me some type of practice and happened to find a couple. Now the keyboarding can be done here at home, at least the practicing part of it can be.
Drawing class has brought on some perspective today. I asked if there was a due date and he said no, we are just sort of muddling through right now. I couldn't believe it, is this what I am paying for? I don't think so but I am keeping an open mind and hoping for things to pick up a bit.
As I sit here thinking through the day's events, I realize that things seem so JR High to me right now. Not really like a College class at all and slow is putting it mildly. I just want to stand up and ask the teachers to please teach me something I don't already know. :(
OK enough of tonight's rambling thoughts I suppose. Tomorrow is another day and hopefully will bring some sort of something.