It's funny how my boys can be such Mamma's Boys at times. Tonight my arabian was so needy. It was so funny and so sweet at the same time. I went out to drop 3 round bales for them tonight. Usually I only drop 2 at a time but there's supposed to be another doozie of a snow storm tonight and I wanted to make sure they had enough to eat in case we couldn't get to them. So back to my first thought. Apache' was in a "NEED YOU" state tonight. This is always so cool to be able to share moments like these, because most people don't expect horses to be this way. He has always given me hugs but I have almost always asked for them. Tonight he asked for them and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So of course I stopped what I was doing to give him his hug before we dropped the first round bale. Then when we were getting ready to drop the second one he decided that he needed another hug. I suppose you are wondering exactly how a horse can give a hug. Well, Apache' gives them by placing his head over my shoulder and then bringing it down against my back. Once he has done this he pulls his head down and towards his chest which pulls me next to him. It is an amazing feeling, to know he cares enou
gh to let me into his space. After that he was done and went on over to eat from one of the bales we had already dropped.
The picture on the top right was taken of Apache' in 2004. He is an amazing creature who has taught me so much more than I could have ever imagined. He has been with me since late June of 1993. Some times I think he knows me more than I know myself. What an excellent teacher he has been the entire time we have been together.
Now I wouldn't want to leave the other boys out of this post. They too are Mamma's Boys though they don't show it quite as well as Apache' does. The big Red and white one on the right is Jet. He's quite a big fella who is only willing to occasionally give you the chance to pet him. He is leary of strangers and men. I got him when he was 4 1/2 and he has made me use a different method for training him than I used with Apache'. I think this comes with how he was raised. He is such a good boy and you have to earn his trust as he does not give it out freely. If you were to ask him he would definately tell you that Velcro "EATS" horses. .....LOL...
The fellow in this picture getting his neck scratched by Apache' is Cheif. He is also
Jet's son and I have had him since he was a foal at 3 months of age. He is my itchy boy as you can see in the photo. He loves to be scratched and brushed and just plain loves people all around. He's the calmest one of the three and not much bothers him. If you are willing to brush him he is willing to stand there and take it for as long as your arm will hold out.
Well, I have gone on quite a bit about the boys tonight. Seems they can affect me or is it infect me when their need arrises. They are one of my passions and I feel totally and completely at ease around them. Bad days seem to blow away with the wind when I am around them. Amazing the effect they can have on a soul.
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