Thursday, July 10, 2008

Therapy....and Layouts.....hmmm...LOL...

Another day of therapy has come and gone. Seems my poor leg is giving me fits, so what else is new? Seems I now have tendinitis in my leg below the knee. The tendonitis caused me yet another sleepless night and then tells me quickly when I am moving it incorrectly. No more increasing the exercises or adding any new ones until the pain goes away in the tendon either. Let me tell you, it really hurts to say the least. I hope it doesn't delay my progress much though.

I am now at a 90 degree bend which is good since the last measurement he took last week was only 59 degrees. Straightening the leg completely is still an issue but my therapist said it will come in time. Who would have thought that something we take for granted would be so difficult to accomplish ? There seems to be pain for me in either direction, bending or straightening. My hope is for it to go away and the sooner the better. As for the swelling, I asked about it today and how long he thinks it will continue to swell. Well...I didn't expect his answer at all. He said it could be as long as 6 months before the swelling is gone and here I thought 3 weeks worth of it was a long time.

My DS stopped over for a few minutes today. He's so busy while he is home and I'll grab every second I can get. The days are getting shorter for his departure too which I am not ready for but know it's inevitable.

I have managed a couple more layouts. I have tons of pictures to use I just need more computer time. This first one is of my sweet great nephew Brandon. He was looking out the patio door and wanting to go outside and play with everyone else.

This one is of my niece Emily and her son and my great nephew Julian. Boy do they grow fast and right before your eyes. He's gotten so big since I saw him the last time. At least he was awake for pictures this time...LOL

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Love the los Peggy. Sorry your knee is still bothering you, I'm sure it will improve with time and therapy...hang in there. I would have a hard time letting ds out of my site if I were you...glad he pops in to see you.