Sunday, August 24, 2008

Schooling Thoughts

It seems that our govenor has decided to help all of the RV employees that have been displaced because of all of the recent layoffs. That is a plus for those willing to take the extra step to improving their futures. So on Monday I will be getting a letter from my last job to take to the local WorkOne center to hopefully get approved to receive some training for another career. They are giving up to $6,000.00 per person for further training. There is a total of 3 million available and once it's gone it's gone. So the sooner I get to this the better my chances of getting it will be. I figured this was my chance to get an Associate Degree in either Graphic Design or Computer Programing. I am sort of hanging in the middle though Graphic Design holds a better interest for me. I have done my research and am ready though I am not quite sure if they will allow online training from a respectable school but I wouldn't see why not. So keep your fingers crossed everyone.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Good luck Peggy!